Collection: Men's Sunglasses

Carefully curated statement pieces featuring unique reflections and timeliness looks.

Product Standard

The eyewear is handcrafted or manufactured in an independent facility and made of acetate, or mazzuchelli acetate, TR90, metal, nylon lens, or polycarbonate, or high-quality biodegradable materials. All products meet the U.S. Standard ANSI Z80.3-2015 and are also CE certified to meet European Standards. They are indeed UV400 Protected and protect against harmful UVA and UVB sun rays. 100% UVA and UVB Protection CE - Lenses are UV
Category Filter 3 -also Prescription ready quality frames, with anti-fatigue and blue light blocker lenses, for better visual experiences. All items are handled with White Glove to avoid smudges and marks prior to shipment.